Leaving a gift to the Greens is one of the most meaningful contributions a person can make to the future of our party – and the country itself.
Thank you to our donors and their families for their foresightedness, generosity and contribution towards creating a future for all us.
Louise Crossley
Among many achievements over her remarkable life, one of Louise’s most enduring legacies is the creation of the first Global Greens Charter in 2001. Before that, she became the first convenor of the Tasmanian Greens in 1992, ran for the Senate in 1998, and was one of the first convenors of the Australian Greens after its formation in 1992.
Even after being diagnosed with cancer in 2012, Louise remained active in the party until her passing in 2015. Louise left substantial gifts in her will to both the Australian Greens and the Tasmanian Greens, in addition to several other charitable organisations.
Louise’s practical foresight is enabling The Greens to continue to develop our work and improve our impact towards the vision she shared with us – a final act of kindness that will benefit future generations.

Pauline Lyngå
Pauline was a nurse and a trained midwife, as well as a wife to Gösta and the mother of three daughters. She was committed to do the best for our world and for the future of her seven grandchildren.
The environment was very important to Pauline, who was an active member of Cooleman Ridge Park Care group and posthumously received an award for her volunteering. She was also a supporter of Plan International for many years, committed to creating better opportunities for children in developing countries.
Pauline was a long-term member of The Greens and spent many hours letterboxing and volunteering at election campaign stalls. She generously left a sizable donation in her will to the Greens upon her passing in 2011.

Neroli Colvin
Neroli was a journalist, journalism trainer and rare disease advocate whose life was guided by deep passions that spanned the environment, arts, politics and beyond.
She was a strong supporter of the Greens during her life, drawn to the movement’s focus on socially progressive politics as well as the environmental aspect.
As a volunteer and long-term member, Neroli saw the Greens as a strong and organised voice for promoting environmental conservation and fighting for stronger climate change policy. Her legacy is kept alive by the generous bequest she left to the Greens upon her passing in 2018.

Ian Rudd (2016)
Peter and Patricia Shaw (2016)
Cecily Dignan (2015)
Michelle Wellard (2015)
Aina Matilda Ranke (2014)
John Vincent White (2009)
Jack Abbott
Karen Alexander
David Alton
Elizabeth Anders
Louise Bannister
Stephen Bannister
Roger Barsony
Carol Beaumont
Geoffrey Kidd
Anne Boxhall
Geoffrey Bradshaw
Andy Breaden
Jennie Brennan
Edward Brockwell
Susan Buckley
Ashley Campbell
Margarette Castle
Jason Chappel
Marie Cowling
John Cox
David Dawson
William Debois
Sarah Dobie
Jeremy Dore
William Douglas
Alex Downs
Mary and Allen Droste
Sue Etheridge
Joshua Fergeus
Rebecca Filipczyk
Jacinta Foales
Rebecca Galdies
Linda Gale
Sarah Goodwin
Rosalie Gorton-Lee
Kevin Greening
Jocelyn Hall
Scott Hamilton-Smith
Helen Harris OAM
Murray Haseler
Michael Henderson
Trenton Hoare
Peter Hollo
Louise Holmes
Christina Hill
Tobias Hudson
Jeanette Hyland
Rehka Indrasamy
Ohnmar John
Ann Johnson
Peter Johnson
Belinda Kendall-White
Cameron Kennedy
Tom Kingston
Mary Kolusniewski
Stuart Knibbs
Robin Knox
Carsten Kulheim
Anne Layton-Bennett
Seamus Lee
Andrew Leitch
Colin Letham
Paul Llewellyn
Gösta Lyngå
Julie M
Jane MacDonald
Felix MacNeil
Helena Manos
Linda Marshall
Timothy Martin
Geoffrey Mason
Kenneth McAlpine
Michael McDougall
Andrew McPhail
Drusilla Megget
Norbert Menke
Wendy Merefield-Ward
Colin Mickelo
Lisa Milner
Sharon Miskell
Hillary Morris
Nikki Mortier
Joan Nelson
Anne Oakey
Robyn O’Connor
Michael O’Toole
Philippa Ransome
Samuel Poustie
Rosemarie Read
Jillian Reid
Ian Richards
Benjamin Richardson
Peter Robertson
Ian Ross
Robert Rowlands
Pamela Rumble
Ian Ryall
Rosalie Schultz
Sonya Semmens
Jennifer Shanley
David Sherwood
David Silver
Andy Smerdon
Colin Smith
Trevor Smith
Sandra Sondreal
Benjamin Spies
John Spurgin
Michael Starrs
Cameron Stirling
Rosalind Stirling
Penny Sullivan
Beverley Symons
Grace Talgo
Mark Taylor
Gavan Thomson
Nicole Thompson
Gilbert Tipping
Jill Trotter
Melva Truchanas
Agnes Vitry
Nic Wallis-Smith
Elizabeth Ward
Peter Welcher
Holly Weston
Heather Williams
Mark Wilson
John Wishart
Paul Wyatt
Yizhong Zhuang