When remembering The Greens in your will, please note it is important to use our full name: Australian Greens (The Greens) Incorporated.
References to a bequest to us in your will should also include our ABN: 98 738 022 715.
I give:
(Percentage)% of my estate; or
The rest and residue of my estate; or
The sum of $(amount) to Australian Greens (The Greens) Incorporated (ABN 98 738 022 715) to be applied towards The Greens’ purposes in accordance with the constitutional objectives of the Australian Greens (The Greens) Incorporated in its absolute discretion to determine.
I declare that the receipt by its secretary, treasurer or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
This wording is the simplest way of acknowledging The Greens in your will. You can be sure that your gift made in this way will be used for maximum long-term benefit in our work across the country at all levels of government.
However, you may want to be more specific in how your gift should be used in recognition of specific interests you may have in our activities. The Greens are a confederation of state and territory parties with coordination and support provided by the national organisation of the Australian Greens.
Through EverGreen you can, if you wish, choose to support activities in one or more states, or activities at specific levels of government. Making your wishes clear in your will when including the Australian Greens as a beneficiary will ensure that your gift is used according to your wishes.
If you would like to leave a gift to a specific state or territory Greens party, or you would like to discuss your options, we recommend you speak to our Bequests Officer.
State-specific wording is also available here: